Welcome to the Landing Page for LucaNet 23.1

On this page, you will find all information about LucaNet 23.1! We make the update easy for you and guide you through each step of the update.

If you want to switch to LucaNet 23.1, simply follow the instructions on this page...

Upgrade to LucaNet 23.1 at a Glance

The migration from your current LucaNet version to LucaNet 23.1 comprises the following steps:

1. Update to LucaNet 23 LTS if necessary

2. Start your update to LucaNet 23.1


Step 1- Update to LucaNet 23 LTS if necessary

If you are still working with the LucaNet 22 LTS version, you must first update to LucaNet 23 LTS before you can update to LucaNet 23.1 Simply follow our instructions to upgrade to LucaNet 23 LTS.

Step 2 - Start your update to LucaNet 23.1

If you have updated to LucaNet 23 LTS, updating to LucaNet 23.1 is almost a child's play. Simply follow our instructions to update to LucaNet 23.1.

Congratulations, you made it!

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